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The Evolutionary Leaders and their New Thought Religion (AKA Oprah’s Favorite Cult)

The Evolutionary Leaders and their New Thought Religion (AKA Oprah’s Favorite Cult)

You get a new religion…You get a new religion…EVERYONE gets a new religion!

Oprah was giving away more than cars on her popular television show. She helped the New Thought religion and its Evolutionary Leaders rise to prominence in our culture through their constant exposure on her programs.

Why are we seeing a rise in collectivism/communism?

It’s because the Evolutionary Leaders’ beliefs on evolution through group selection view your individuality as a literal threat to humanity that could determine whether or not our species survives.

Watch to find out how the revelation that our culture has been taken over by a religious cult could be the information that helps us get our country back.

To learn more about the Evolutionary Leaders and the people involved, visit their webpage at:

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The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience EXPOSED

The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience EXPOSED

How do you get freedom-loving cities and towns to adopt communist policies right under their noses that will eventually turn their communities into surveillance states that take away their individual rights?

Through deception.

Watch this video to learn how a rogue federal interagency workgroup is sneakily launching a global totalitarian agenda in America through The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience (a.k.a “The Federal Plan” or “ELTRR”).

Help me call on Congress to conduct a full investigation into The Federal Plan, its origins, the 45+ agencies behind it, and the Department of Health and Human Services and Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine, who are currently supporting and housing this initiative. You can email a link to this video to your elected representatives with this short message: ______________________________________________________________________
Dear (Congressman/woman/Senator _______),

I recently found out about this government-led initiative that appears to not only be blatantly racist by instituting federal funding requirements that violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, but that also seem to be trying to overthrow our current system of government. You can find out more about The Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience by watching this video an independent whistleblower journalist made on it at (insert link to YouTube video).

Would you be able to help Congress call for a congressional investigation into this treason and the people and organizations driving it?

Thank you,
(Your name and contact information) ______________________________________________________________________
You can find out who your House of Representatives members are and find out how to contact them by going to and entering your zip code.

For your state senators contact information, just go to and select your state from the drop down menu.

Thanks for watching and participating in saving our country and freedoms!

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The Inner Development Goals – An Overview

The Inner Development Goals – An Overview

The Inner Development Goals is a re-education agenda for you and every person to feel personally responsible for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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The Theft of Education

The Theft of Education

How do you take over society? You swap out what education should be used for-teaching children the skills needed to succeed in whatever they choose to do in life-and replace it with a path to college and career that requires compliance to woke ideologies. You set a trap offering families a way out of that system (government funded private education) that eventually allows every option to be subject to government control while destroying the current system. Then you set up a new system that no one can escape from called the Internet of Education. Social Credit System to come? Only if we let it.

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Lisa Logan UN CSW67 Presentation – March 9th, 2023

Lisa Logan UN CSW67 Presentation – March 9th, 2023

I was invited by two pro-family organizations to speak at the United Nations CSW67 on how social emotional learning minimizes the role of the family in raising the child and how it can be used nefariously to take away the individual capacity of children to make informed, uncoerced decisions.

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Whole Child Design Principles = Whole Community of Communism

Whole Child Design Principles = Whole Community of Communism

The Science of Learning and Development has been appropriated to promote changes to education that will require the teaching and learning of critical pedagogy in entire communities.The development of a Marxist-derived critical consciousness will be forced upon every person to create activists for a cultural revolution. The goal is to overthrow anything that stands in the way of making all governments operate to serve global interests. The structure of the family and current political structures like America’s Constitutional Republic are in the crosshairs.

This video will arm you with the knowledge of who is behind this, how they plan to put this into practice through the adoption of their Whole Child Design Principles, and what you should watch out for and push back against as this inevitably comes for your community so you can fight back.