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The Evolutionary Leaders and their New Thought Religion (AKA Oprah’s Favorite Cult)

The Evolutionary Leaders and their New Thought Religion (AKA Oprah’s Favorite Cult)
The Evolutionary Leaders and their New Thought Religion (AKA Oprah’s Favorite Cult)

You get a new religion…You get a new religion…EVERYONE gets a new religion!

Oprah was giving away more than cars on her popular television show. She helped the New Thought religion and its Evolutionary Leaders rise to prominence in our culture through their constant exposure on her programs.

Why are we seeing a rise in collectivism/communism?

It’s because the Evolutionary Leaders’ beliefs on evolution through group selection view your individuality as a literal threat to humanity that could determine whether or not our species survives.

Watch to find out how the revelation that our culture has been taken over by a religious cult could be the information that helps us get our country back.

To learn more about the Evolutionary Leaders and the people involved, visit their webpage at: