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The Most Important Thing to Include in Your Family Budget

Source: Ensuring you have the financial security and independence to live without worry is a challenge every military family faces.

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WW2 Waffen SS Combat footage (In Colour)


Combat footage from the mainly the western front showing Wehrmacht and Waffen SS units battling the allied powers A thank you to these two channels for making this footage widely avaliable…

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Air Force Secretary Wants to Dump Outdated Rules that Burden Airmen

Source: The Secretary of the Air Force talked up the service’s progress in ridding the service of outdated rules and procedures.

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WWII Vets, Japanese Meet to Remember Iwo Jima

Source: World War II veterans gathered at Iwo To to commemorate the sacrifice made by members of the Japanese and U.S. forces.

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Breaking Rocks: ‘Correctional Custody Unit 2.0’ Coming Soon to Okinawa

Source: The Marine Corps is calling on an old friend to help rehabilitate Marines guilty of minor behavioral infractions.

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Month of the Military Child

Source: Military child appreciation month, officially known as Month of the Military Child, celebrates military kids everywhere!

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Army Using Xbox, PS4 Technology to Build New Virtual Trainers

Source: The U.S. Army wants to replace its outdated virtual simulators with the kind of realistic, first-person shooter gaming technology designed for Xbox and PS4 game systems.

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Business Insurance: Why You Need It

Source: Even if you don’t have any employees and work at home from your dining room table, insurance may save your company from a devastating blow.

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Why Every Home-Renting Family Needs Renter insurance

Source: Should something happen to your rental home that damages your belongings, you are responsible for recuperating the costs entirely by yourself.

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Wife Says Observer Rescued by Coast Guard on Sunken Boat ‘Traumatized’

Source: The wife of a federal observer who was on the fishing vessel that sank off the coast of Hawaii said her husband was shaken.