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The US Won’t Admit Just How Badly It Poisoned Military Base Water

Source: Officials, including the White and the Environmental Protection Agency, are keeping under wraps a report on just how bad the water situation is.

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Coast Guard Veteran Dedicates 43 Years to Keeping Mariners Safe

Source: One fateful evening in 1974, Bob Trainor heard a U.S. Coast Guard radio ad that would change his life.

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Coast Guard Unloads More Than 2,000 Pounds of Marijuana in Key West

Source: A Key West-based U.S. Coast Guard cutter took in a large haul of marijuana during a maritime bust in March.

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Post-PCS Survey Helps Keep Bad Movers Out

Source: The movers are gone and you’ve asked for reimbursement for your broken stuff. That means you’re done, right? Not necessarily.

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Trump’s Freeze of Korea Joint Exercises Catches Allies by Surprise

Source: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis was an exception, saying he was consulted on the halt to military exercises with South Korea.

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Senators Want Release of Wright-Patterson Groundwater Toxicology Study

Source: U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and Rob Portman, R-Ohio have demanded the Trump administration release a toxicology study.

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Army Spends $50 Million to Build Autonomous Supply Convoys

Source: The Army has awarded a $49.7 million contract to Robotic Research LLC for autonomous kits to be tested on supply vehicles.

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Pearl Harbor Navy Officer Had ‘Rebreather’ on During Fatal Dive

Source: The adventurous life of a fast-rising Pearl Harbor Navy officer came to a tragic end May 20.

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Lawmaker Concerned About Capability Gap During JSTARS Transition

Source: Sen. David Perdue gave credit to Defense Secretary Mattis, who proposed the Air Force look for more sustainable solutions.

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Judge Blocks Deportation of Man Detained While Delivering to Army Base

Source: The 35-year-old married father of two young girls was arrested on June 1 while making a delivery to Fort Hamilton.