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4 Reasons it?s Hard to Read a Military Resume

Source:’s Job Advice Expert Lida Citroen answers a common question on the difficulties translating a military career into terms civilians can understand.

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Beyond Pinterest: How to Create a Home Design Style You Love

Source: There seems to be a lot of the same ?look? on design shows and Pinterest boards. But what if your style doesn?t jive with gray paint or interior barn doors?

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Report Shows Some Commissary Produce Prices in Asia are Ridiculously High

Source: Think you’ll be saving money by shopping for veggies on base in Asia? Think again.

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An Hour into Murder Trial, Former Marine Admits to Brutal Killing

Source: A former Marine pleaded guilty to killing an Army reservist in a brutal attack in which the victim was stabbed 44 times.

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The Rape of Belgium And The Battle of Tannenberg I THE GREAT WAR – Week 5


During their advance through Belgium, the German Army is committing atrocities against Belgian civilians – justified as response to resistance and sabotage against their advancement. The Austro-Hun…

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Pentagon Wants More Funding to Boost Training After Deadly Crash

Source: Pentagon officials called Thursday for more funding to boost flying hours and improve maintenance.

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Was Air Force’s Media Freeze Justified? Defense Experts Weigh In

Source: This week it was revealed that the Air Force is curtailing its media engagements and limiting the amount of info it releases.

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Army Has Spent 18 Months Preparing for War in Korea: Milley

Source: Members of the House Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee expressed a keen interest in possible contingency plans.

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Removal of Navy Monument Stirs Controversy in Hawaii

Source: A P-3C Orion airplane monument put up nearly two decades ago at Naval Air Station Barbers Point has been removed.

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US Military Official: Iran Naval Forces Halt ‘Provocations’

Source: Iranian naval forces appear to have deliberately halted their provocations of U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf.