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President Signs Executive Order To Open More Fed Jobs To Military Spouses

Source: Military spouses face higher unemployment despite having greater education than the general public.

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In Rare Decision, Navy Upgrades Discharge for Sexual Assault Survivor

Source: After suffering repeated sexual assaults, Heath Phillips agreed in desperation to an “other than honorable” discharge.

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Coast Guard Blows Whistle on Thieves of Buoy Bells, Gongs

Source: Brass gongs and bells meant to help boats navigate in poor visibility are being stolen from buoys off Maine’s coast.

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From Paratroopers to Rockets: One veteran?s journey to a dream career

Source: Liz Mclean, Air Force veteran and’s veteran employment representative, had the opportunity to speak about recr

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Bath Iron Works Lands $87.2M Contract to Upgrade Frigates, Destroyers

Source: The Department of Defense on Wednesday awarded Bath Iron Works an $87.2 million follow-on contract.

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Obituary: He Loved Being a Marine, Hated Incompetent Drivers

Source: A retired Marine colonel is being remembered for his 30 years of service and his contempt for Northern Virginia drivers.

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The Neutral Ally – Norway in WW1 I THE GREAT WAR Special


Norway declared neutrality when the First World War broke out and as a nation with a large merchant fleet, profited from the war economically. ? HOW CAN I …

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New ‘Rebreather’ Helps Navy Divers Beneath the Waves

Source: The muscular U.S. Navy diver hoisted a 60-pound life-support regulator onto his back, then donned a 30-pound metal helmet.

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Left Behind: When Medical Problems Hurt a PCS

Source: What do you do when you can’t get the medical OK to go OCONUS?

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F-22 Raptors Replace F-35As in Pacific for Theater Security Mission

Source: The F-22 Raptor has deployed to the Pacific as part of a theater security mission.