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The Battle of Belleau Wood Begins I THE GREAT WAR Week 202


The German Army is still threatening Paris and the situation for the Allies looks dire. Reluctantly, General Pershing agrees to put some of the American troops …

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Navy Report Cites Lack of Nuclear Employees at Shipyard

Source: A draft report raises concerns about a lack of skilled workers in nuclear-related fields at Newport News Shipbuilding.

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Air Force in High-Stakes Debate Over HIV-Prevention Drug for Pilots

Source: The Air Force does not allow its pilots to take a popular medication designed to prevent HIV infection.

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Air Force Wraps Up Aviation Review Amid Spate of Emergency Landings

Source: The U.S. Air Force has concluded a one-day safety review for active-duty units to find problems in its aircraft.

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Marine Corps May Woo Older Members for New Cyber Force

Source: The Marine Corps may offer bonuses to entice older, more experienced Marines to become part of its new cyber operations.

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50 Years Ago, Navy Sub USS Scorpion Sank with 99 Crewmen

Source: The Scorpion, with 99 men on board, sank about 400 miles southwest of the Azores Islands in 10,000 feet of water.

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America’s Largest Combatant Command Is Getting a New Name

Source: U.S. Pacific Command will be called U.S. Indo-Pacific Command moving forward, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said.

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Don’t Go Wild This Holiday Season: Set a Spending Limit to Avoid Debt

Source: The holidays are often a time of overspending that leaves you feeling haunted when the credit card bill arrives in January.

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Thousands of Civil Service Guard and Reservists Due Back Pay

Source: Thousands of federal employees may be eligible for back pay or leave restored for long mobilizations

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USS Manchester Departs New Hampshire After Commissioning

Source: The U.S. Navy’s newest warship that was commissioned over the weekend has departed New Hampshire.